Rebekah Aman

Keepers of the Essence
Book Series
In ages past, surrounded in the darkness of the universe, there was one bound to no time. His creations came to call him Kiem. With his fingers, he etched out each star and, with a wink, blessed them with light. He swept out the confines of his universe, Imaemaroza, with an outstretched arm and molded six worlds with his palm. This was the beginning; time an empty page still to be detailed. Kiem's essence spread throughout the ends of these worlds, and upon each he gave a special power. The element of fire was bequeathed to Fiadora on Zilcemi, Alernoa of Tiweln was bestowed the element of earth, air was given to Eorian on Randor, the element of darkness was received on Ashneer by Bemton, light found its home with Jensin on Humsoma, and water, the sixth and final element, rested upon Faencina's shores in the care of Diahyas. Each element was to be born into the worlds through one being in a time of great trouble. It was to the fellow creatures of this being that the old language of Kiem persevered to become the native tongue. Those bestowed with elemental power were to keep the peace on their chosen worlds until the time came for them to unite and allow the combined elements to restore tranquility to Kiem's Imaemaroza.
Young Adult Series
Book 1: Tiweln's Redeemer
Nature's Lady
Book 4: Legend of Ashneer
Creature of Darkness
Book 2: Savior of Randor
Master of Air
Book 3: Faencina's Hope
Water's Maiden
Book 5: Zilcemi's Healer
Fire's Mistress
Special Edition Hardbacks are available for all books. Author signatures and personalized messages can also be requested. Contact the author for more information.
KotE Tales
Children's Book Series
KotE Tales is meant to be a companion book series to the main, young adult fantasy novels. Silver ties in with Tiweln's Redeemer, Nature's Lady.
The target age range is 1st - 4th grade, but the images inside are lovely illustrations to be enjoyed by all ages. It is a good read-aloud book for ages 4 - 6. Jinsey Amber Smith is the skilled artist that helped me bring this book about, and my mother, Carol Aman, a retired 3rd grade teacher, ensured that the content matched the target reading age.
At present, these hardback children's books are only available through me. If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please contact me at the email address listed below. Books are $12 each (sales tax included).
Book 1: Silver
Book Awards

2016 FAPA President's Award Winner!
Faencina's Hope, Water's Maiden has won two bronze medals in the 2016 Florida Authors and Publishers Association book contest in the categories Fiction: Young Adult and Fiction: Young Adult - Paranormal/Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Take a look at their website, www.myFAPA.org.

2019 FAPA President's Award Winner!
Legend of Ashneer, Creature of Darkness has won the silver medal for the 2019 President's Award presented by the Florida Authors and Publishers Association in the Young Adult - Fiction and Nonfiction category. Take a look at their website, www.myFAPA.org.

2022 FAPA President's Award Winner!
Zilcemi's Healer, Fire's Mistress has won the gold medal for the 2022 President's Award presented by the Florida Authors and Publishers Association in the Young Adult - Sci-Fi/Fantasy category. Take a look at their website, www.myFAPA.org.
2022 Book Fest Winner!
I entered three of my books in the 2022 The Book Fest Awards presented by Black Chateau Enterprises, a marketing/PR company for authors and publishers in California, and all three won an award!
Silver won 1st place in the Fairy Tales category.
Legend of Ashneer, Creature of Darkness won 2nd place in the Dragons & Mythical Creatures category.
Zilcemi's Healer, Fire's Maiden received an Honorable Mention in the Epic category.
Other Writings
A while back, I had a newsletter that would go out periodically. Within that newsletter, I would tell companion stories to this series. You could learn more about side characters, gain an understanding of the overall universe and creatures within it, and maybe even uncover some secrets that have yet to show themselves in published books. If you are interested in reading these other writings related to the series, click here.

I'm a Monticello, FL native and the daughter of two teachers, who are always marvelous. I attended Aucilla Christian Academy from K-4 to 12th and graduated from Florida State University in 2012 with 2 degrees, one in accounting and a dual degree in finance and psychology, and with a minor in English.
Currently, I work as the tax manager at Thomson Brock Luger & Company in Tallahassee, FL. My fabulous husband Chris is quite supportive with my writing and always joins me in costume at events. I also greatly enjoy singing and have performed in local churches and events as well as shows at the Monticello Opera House.
Georgia Strawberry Festival
April 26, 2025
Saturday, 9 am - 5 pm
Downtown Reynolds
3 S Macon St
Reynolds, GA 31076
Free to the public.
Please contact me at the email below if you have any questions or comments.
Special Edition Hardbacks or requests for a signed copy and/or personalized message can also be requested using this email.
email: bek@keepersoftheessence.com
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Visit my Amazon Author page here.