Rebekah Aman
Zilcemi's Healer, Fire's Mistress
Young Adult, Fantasy
Alone in the world, searching for her place,
With gift of flame, the truth she’ll chase.
Forging the link that will save a race,
If events resolve with all due haste.
Left behind by her family, a young kinz, notable for her feline features, must navigate the world alone. The challenges faced are many, but her friends are always there to aid her over each hurdle. However, when her past unexpectedly reveals itself, the answers she had long searched for are far outweighed by the many new puzzles that must now be solved.
She had always believed herself to be unimportant, yet everyone is looking to her. Can she help her family? Can she resolve the conflict between races? Can she mend her own broken self? Somehow, she has to find a way because according to her clan, she is Zilcemi’s Healer.
Check out this short trailer for the 5th book!
Map of Zilcemi
Star: Natural Portal
I know my fictional names can be a bit challenging, so below is a list of pronunciations.
The stressed syllables are in all caps and bolded.
Characters are in BLUE, places are in GREEN, creatures are in RED, and others are in YELLOW.
Ahn: AHH-n
Alyne: uh-LINE
Aman: A-man
Ashneer: ASH-near
Bateema Zhahn: buh-TEAM-uh ZON
Beijin: BAY-jin
Bellimon: BELL-ih-mahn
Bemton: BIM (rhymes with limb)-tun
Brekyn: BREH-kin
Burk Whyat: BERK WHY-ett
Carine: cuh-REEN
Cerinos: SEAR-in-ohss
Cile: SIGH-ell
Cin-nack: SIN-ack
Cual: COO-all
Diahyas: die-uh-HIGH-us
Dora: DOOR-uh
Dualitz: doo-AHH-lit-ss
Durranifa: der-an-IFF-uh
Em Pe'la: IMM PAY-luh
Eorian: ee-OR-ee-an
Eynmire: INN-my-er
Faencina: fay-IN-sea-nuh
Feilora: fay-LORE-uh
Fezam: fay-ZOM (rhymes with bomb)
Fia: FEE-uh
Fiadora: fee-uh-DOOR-uh
Fiftday: FIFF-day
Firsday: FURS-day
Flarin: FLARE-inn
Forsday: FOURS-day
Frayn: FRAY-n (rhymes with train)
Frelati: frey-LAH-tee
Gemnal: GYM-null
Genevia: gin-AY (rhymes with yay)-vee-uh
Giana: gee-AHH-nuh
Grainjer: GRAIN-jur (beginning of jury)
Greagor: GRAY-gore
Harmoni: HAR-moan-ee
Haunis: HA (like laughter)-nihs
Hendryke: HEN-dry-kuh
Humsoma: HUMM-sew-muh
Imaemaroza: EE-may-ee-muh-rose-uh
Jenisia: gin-EASE-shuh
Jurni: JOUR-ney (journey)
Kiem: key-AIM
Kinz: KINS
Klinnen: KLINN-nun
Linzin: LINN-zen
Lionin: LEE-oh-ninn
Livi: LIH-vee
Lyoniss Herstrall: LEE-oh-nihss HER-strull (rhymes with skull)
Marcus O'Inhai: MAR-cuss OH-inn-high
Merri: MARE-ee
Meyra: MAY-ruh
Minic: min-ICK
Minisett: MEN-ih-set
Mirla: MER-luh
Musellica: muse-ELL-ick-uh
Neum Mutz: NEE-um MUTTS
Praros: PRAH-row-ss
Pynnilia: pie-NIL-ee-uh
Qaas: QUAAH-ss
Raef: RAY-eff
Randor: RAN-door
Rifsunem: RIFF-soo-nim
Roriks: ROAR-icks
Ryke: RIKE (rhymes with bike)
Sannivis: SAN-ih-viss
Soé: SEW-ay (rhymes with hay)
Soé Ti: SEW-ay (rhymes with hay) TEA
Suni: SOO-nee
Tali: TALL-ee
Tinwell: TEN-well
Tiweln: Tie-WELL-nuh (clip the last bit)
Uratia: yur-AY (rhymes with yay)-shuh
Veris: VAIR (rhymes with hair)-iss
Yuens: YOO-inns
Yvelliana: ee-vell-ee-AHH-nuh
Zania: ZEY-nee-uh
Zilcemi: zill-SEE-mee