Rebekah Aman
Legend of Ashneer, Creature of Darkness
Young Adult, Fantasy
A touch transforms the babe within,
Darkness hides beneath pale skin,
With power over the minds of men,
Will he save or forsake his kin?
How does a young, idealistic child grow up to become the ruthless invader of Imaemaroza? It starts with a witch. Meet the child who befriends a dragon, pulls a siren from his self-imposed social isolation, strives to make the dreams of the one he loves come true…all the while growing into the powerful man deemed to be the great evil the essences must come together to defeat.
Before then, though, he must survive on his own world. Shadows threaten the well-being of all the inhabitants on Ashneer, but arrows cannot pierce them, nighttime fully hides them, and humans can become them. With all other efforts failing, the leaders begin to realize that to fight their enemy, it may just take another creature of darkness.
This is the story of Bemton before he became Fezam on Tiweln, Raef on Randor, and Dehga on Faencina. This is the story of the Legend of Ashneer.
Check out this short trailer for the 4th book!
I know my fictional names can be a bit challenging, so below is a list of pronunciations.
The stressed syllables are in all caps and bolded.
Characters are in BLUE, places are in GREEN, creatures are in RED, and others are in YELLOW.
Alimen: AL-eh-men
Allegro: Uh-LEG-row
Alta: ALL-tuh
Aman: A-man
Ashneer: ASH-near
Bemton: BIM (rhymes with limb)-tun
Bibette: Bib-ETT
Biqueti: bi (start of big)-KET (start of kettle)-y
Boma: BOW (hairtie)-muh
Buamin: BOO-ah-men
Burlan: BURR-lan
Caralvan: CARE-ull-van
Caro: CARE-oh
Cerinos: SEAR-in-ohss
Ciena: sea-in-uh
Cual: COO-all
Cuali: COO-all-y
Dan: (start of Daniel)
Dehga: DAY-guh
Devlin: DEV-len
Diahyas: die-uh-HIGH-us
Dinnela: din-NELL-uh
Doven Gyleck: DOE-vin GUY-leck (rhymes with neck)
Dualé: doo-uh-LAY
Dynna: DIN-uh
Eliosa: EEL-ee (like free)-oh-sah
Eorian: ee-OR-ee-an
Faencina: fay-IN-sea-nuh
Fezam: fay-ZOM (rhymes with bomb)
Fohisaf: FOE-hee-saff (rhymes with laugh)
Frelati: frey-LAH-tee
Fryso: FRY-soh
Furyon: FYER (start of fury)-ee-on
Fuyin: FOO-yin
Ganea: GUH-nee-uh
Gemnal: GYM-null
Gemun: GEE-mun
Genevia: gin-AY (rhymes with yay)-vee-uh
Gerude: Jer-ROOD
Givani: Jih-VAUH-nee
Harmoni: HAR-moan-ee
Hauna: HA (like laughter)-Nuh
Hentz: Hints
Hinnon: HEN-nun
Hiva: HEE-vuh
Imaemaroza: EE-may-ee-muh-rose-uh
Isle of Saung: Isle of Song
Junal: June-ALL
Jannett: Jan-NET
Kaila: KI (beginning of kite)-luh
Keenil: KEY-nill
Kinna: KEN-uh
Klef: Clef (rhymes with chef)
Kopak: COH-pack
Kordz: Chords
Kri Juri: Kree JER-ie
Kri Plume: Kree Ploom
Kurny: KER-nee
Laurel: LAW-rel
Lionen: LEE-oh-ninn
Longire Elia: LAWN-shjire (rhymes with fire) EEL-ee-uh
Loupagil: LOOP-uh-gill
Lylt: Lilt
Lyrix: LEER-icks
Macefir Lora: MASS-ih-fur LORE-uh
Meera: MEER-uh
Melodi: MELL-oh-dee
Metranil: MEH-truh-nill
Mezzo: MEH-zoh
Nilo: NIGH-low
Niro: NEAR-oh
Nottoll: not-TOLL
Olivari: OLIVE-are-ee
Kiem: key-AIM
Ocalems: OCK-uh-limbs
Porio: POOR-ee-oh
Raef: RAY-eff
Randor: RAN-door
Riffrayn: RIFF-rain
Rivadil: RIV (beginning of river)-uh-dill
Ronan: ROW-nan(rhymes with man)
Ropick: ROW-pick
Sennisal: SIN-ih-sul
Sieporagiatum: SEE-uh-por-uh-gee-ATE-umm
Sterles: Stirls
Syka: SIGH-kuh
Thamin: THAY (rhymes with slay)-men
Tiweln: Tie-WELL-nuh (clip the last bit)
Tret: Treht
Tryl: Trill
Trysle: TRY-sul
Unia: OON-ee-uh
Uratia: yur-AY (rhymes with yay)-shuh
Veera: VEER-uh
Vern: Vurn (rhymes with turn)
Verwin: VUR-win
Xie: Zee
Yenik: YIN-ick
Zilcemi: zill-SEE-mee
Zypi: Zippy
Saurika: saw-REE-kuh
Tiweln: tie-WELL-nuh(clip the last bit)
Tym: Tim
Whinn: When
Willaf: WILL-uhf
Winna: WIN-uh
Zilcemi: Zill-SEE-mee
Zillon: ZI (rhymes with eye)-lawn
Map of Ashneer
Circle: Sennisal Dot: Cuali X (from left to right): Unia, Junal, Thamin Square: Ganea
Star: Dinnela Wavy Lines: Doven Gyleck Cross: Devlin Triangle: Furyon